Best Products and Tools for Curly Hair

Last Updated on February 28, 2024 by David Thomas

Over the past few years, more and more men have been embracing their natural curls, moving away from buzz cuts that hide their unique texture. With the proper care, curly hair can exude character, charm, and a sense of individuality.

However, styling and maintaining curly hair requires a different approach than that of straight or wavy hair. This guide is dedicated to all the curly-haired men out there looking to understand their hair better, and searching for the best products to enhance and define their curls.

Understanding Men’s Curly Hair Types

There are three types of curls. Wavy, Curly & Coily. If you need help identifying what you have, check out The Ultimate Guide for Understanding Your Hair Type.

It’s crucial to identify your curl type in order to properly care for your curls. This knowledge will help you select the right products to use and avoid those that aren’t suitable.

Essential Products for Men with Curly Hair

Shampoos & Conditioners

If you have curly hair, it’s essential to keep it moisturized. You can start by using a good clarifying or detoxifying shampoo to remove any products from your hair. After that, use a sulfate-free, moisturizing shampoo. 

A good conditioner for your hair type is also necessary to make using other products easier. Depending on how you wear your hair, sometimes all you need is a good shampoo, conditioner, and light oil. 

My favorite right now is Naked and Design Essentials.

Curly Hair shampoos

Leave-in Conditioners and Styling Creams

Leave-in conditioners are fantastic options to help lock in some moisture. You can use them after shampooing and conditioning or on non-wash days when you need extra moisture. 

Simply run some water through your hair while in the shower or use a spray bottle, then grab some leave-in (which also comes in spray bottles), add it to damp hair, comb through, and let it air dry or use a diffuser (which I’ll get into below). Leave-ins are great options because they are super lightweight yet highly effective at locking in moisture without leaving a greasy finish.

Hair Gels and Pomades

curly hair pomade

If you want to give your curls some hold and shine, consider using Gels and Pomades. Both products offer similar levels of shine.

The main difference between the two is their holding strength. Gels provide a 3 out of 5 hold, while pomades offer a 4 out of 5 hold. 

Water-based gels & pomades are the easiest to wash out. 

Please note that these numbers may vary depending on the brand, but this is an excellent starting point.

Hair Oils and Serums

Using oils can be an excellent option if you’re looking to maintain your natural curl pattern and prevent frizz while adding a light shine to define your curls. It’s essential to select lightweight oils that are not too greasy and do not clog your hair follicles. Coconut oil is a fantastic choice that even provides some SPF benefits. Argan and jojoba oils are also excellent options as well.

Hairbrushes and Combs

Depending on the length of your hair, you may need some tools to help manage your curls. I personally recommend using a wide-tooth comb, which will help keep your curls together as you comb through them. When using a fine-tooth comb, the hair strand may be too strong and thick to comb through, which could cause hair breakage.

It is crucial to avoid combing your hair when it is dry. Damp hair is preferable; you can use conditioner or leave-in conditioner to make combing easier.

Pillowcases and Shower towels

When you’re drying your hair after a shower, it’s important that you avoid scrubbing your hair with a cotton towel. If you’re unsure about the material of your towel, check the small white tag. Your hair is at its most fragile when it’s wet, which means that scrubbing it with a rough, drying towel could cause some damage. Instead, opt for a microfiber towel.

The same goes for the pillowcase that you sleep on. If it’s made of cotton, you could be stripping your hair of its natural oils or products while you sleep. Dry friction is your curls worst enemy. Therefore, it’s better to opt for a silk or satin pillowcase.

Hair Dryers with Diffusers

Curly hair diffuser

For those of you who have long or thick hair, drying your hair can be a challenge. If you live in a place with a cold climate, walking around with wet hair in the morning is not a good idea. To solve this problem, you can use a blow dryer with a diffuser attachment. Although most blow dryers do not come with diffusers, they can usually be found on the manufacturer’s website. 

While Dyson blow dryers come with a hairdryer and a diffuser, they can be quite expensive. In my opinion, the price is not worth it. However, they do look nice in the bathroom.

Common Mistakes Men Make with Curly Hair

  • Overwashing or under-conditioning.
  •  Using products with harsh chemicals or alcohols.
  •  Using a cotton towel or cotton pillow case

Need ideas on How to style your Curly hair?

Check out my Pinterest board for some new curly hair inspiration.

curly hair pinterest board


Curly hair is not just a hair type; it’s a statement, an emblem of personality, and, for many, a significant part of their identity. With the right products, managing curly hair can become an effortless task. Investing time in understanding your specific curl type and needs is essential so you can choose the products that align with them. The world of men’s haircare is vast and evolving, and your curls deserve nothing but the best.

Lastly, remember to embrace your own curls for the best results. You are unique, and your hair reflects how special you are. This hair journey is long, so you might as well enjoy it to the fullest. Use these tools and have some fun!

As always, thanks for reading.

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