How to Find the Best Haircut and Style for You

Last Updated on January 4, 2024 by David Thomas

How to Find the Best Haircut and Style for You?

Finding the right hairstyle can be a daunting task for men. With so many different styles and trends to choose from, it can be overwhelming to know where to start. Here are some tips to help men find the best hairstyle for them:

Consider your Face Shape:

Your face shape is one of the most important factors to consider when choosing a hairstyle. Different styles can accentuate or minimize different features of your face. For example, men with round faces may want to avoid short, cropped hairstyles and opt for longer styles that add height and length to their face.

Men’s face shapes can generally be categorized into five types: round, square, oval, triangular, and diamond.

For those with a round face, opting for a hairstyle that can create the illusion of height and angles is key. Textured, short styles with volume on top can effectively elongate the face. Conversely, it’s best to avoid haircuts that add unnecessary width to the sides, such as buzz cuts or crew cuts.

If you have a square face, the ideal way to enhance your strong jawline is by sporting hairstyles that are shorter on the sides and longer on top. Textured crops and messy quiffs are fantastic options to consider. However, it’s crucial to steer clear of hairstyles that create too much volume on the sides of your face.

If your face is oval-shaped, congratulations you have tons of options available to you. It’s considered the most versatile face shape, allowing for experimentation with both short and long haircuts, as well as layered styles.

For those with a triangular or heart-shaped face, it’s crucial to choose a hairstyle that balances out your broader forehead with a slimmer chin. Opt for styles with volume on the sides and a narrower appearance at the forehead to achieve this equilibrium.

For those with a diamond face shape, a great way to enhance your angular features is by opting for hairstyles that add volume to the top of your head. Consider going for a style that features shorter sides and longer textured layers on top, as this can flatter your face shape.

Knowing your face shape is key to selecting a hairstyle that enhances your natural features and maximizes your overall appearance.

Think About Your Hair Type:

Your hair type will also play a role in choosing the best hairstyle for you.

If you have thick, coarse hair, you may want to consider a shorter, more textured style.

If you have thin hair, longer styles may work best to add volume and thickness.

For more info, check out The Ultimate Guide for Understanding Your Hair Type

Look for Inspiration:

Once you determine your hair type, condition, and face shape, it’s time to go on the search.

Browse magazines or online resources to find inspiration for different hairstyles.

Instagram is a great place, but it can get overwhelming. I like using Pinterest when showing my client’s possible hairstyles.

Look for styles that complement your face shape and hair type, and consider how much time and effort you’re willing to put into styling your hair each day.

Consult with a Professional:

A skilled hairstylist can be a valuable resource when finding your best hairstyle. They can consider your face shape, hair type, and personal preferences and recommend the best styles for you. They can also show you how to achieve the same look at home.

Check out Dear Clients Blog if you need extra help.

Experiment with Different Styles:

Don’t be afraid to try different styles until you find the one that works best for you. It’s okay to make mistakes along the way – hair grows back, after all! Don’t be too hard on yourself if you don’t find the perfect style immediately.

In Conclusion

Finding the best hairstyle for men requires consideration of a few key factors, such as face shape and hair type, as well as some trial and error. By considering these tips and consulting with a professional stylist, you can find a great style that makes you feel confident and comfortable.

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