Men’s Most Overlooked Step in Achieving Healthy Hair

Last Updated on February 28, 2024 by David Thomas

It’s important to acknowledge the fact that many men tend to ignore it. If you’re reading this, it applies to you, your brother, your cousin, or your uncle – all of you need to use a conditioner. In my experience as a barber, I’ve noticed that many men want healthy hair but don’t realize the importance of using a conditioner. Allow me to explain why it’s so crucial.

Conditioner does precisely what its name suggests – it conditions your hair follicles and adds moisture to your hair and scalp. Men usually overlook conditioners because they think short hair doesn’t need it. However, this is a misconception. Even with short hair, including a conditioner in your healthy hair routine is essential. It’s time to make conditioner your best friend.

A Quick Guide to Healthy Hair


What does Conditioner do?

You may already know this, but shampoo removes dirt from your hair, scalp, and even your face (though I do not recommend using shampoo as a frequent face/body cleanser). As with all pros, there are cons as well. Most store-bought shampoos remove all your natural hair oils.

That is one reason you need to use a conditioner. Conditioner helps restore the oils
that shampoo strips away from your hair and adds protein to nourish your hair and scalp for maximum health.

How to Choose a Good Conditioner

Finding the right conditioner for your hair is a very important first step, and this process begins by identifying your hair type.

Dry Hair

Look for something that moisturizes and hydrates your hair. If you’re not sure which types of conditioner do this, look for conditioners with ingredients like Argan oil and Vitamin E added.

Thin hair

Thin hair should use conditioners that contain vitamin B7, also known as Biotin. Biotin helps cells grow thicker and faster. Rosemary essential oil is also great for promoting hair growth.

Quick fact* Rosemary is one of the only known plants to compete with Rogaine’s effectiveness in stopping hair loss. I love this option because it’s risk-free and has no known side effects. I recommend using organic whenever you use anything on your skin.

Oily Hair

The last type of hair I’ll discuss is oily hair. Many men don’t use conditioners because they claim their hair conditions themselves. That is to say, their hair is already oily and doesn’t need a conditioner. Using a conditioner on oily hair still helps promote healthy hair and growth. For example, conditioners with Tea tree oil remove the build-up of dead skin cells, oil, and byproducts while helping increase the hair follicles’ oxygen and nutrient supply.

If you aren’t sure which hair type you have, please consult with your barber or hairstylist; they should be able to point you in the right direction. Check out The Ultimate Guide For Understanding Your Hair Type

I personally recommend conditioners with all-natural and organic ingredients. These solutions are absorbed into your scalp, so sticking with all-natural is better. Check out my list of stylist approved conditioners on Amazon.


In Conclusion

It’s essential to include a conditioner in your hair care routine if you want to achieve your hair goals. I highly recommend using conditioner more frequently than shampoo. If you haven’t had the chance to talk to someone who takes good care of their hair, you should consider making an appointment to listen. You’ll often find that people who take good care of their hair follow a strict hair washing policy, usually washing their hair with shampoo once or twice a week and using conditioner 3-4 times per week.