My Skincare Journey

Last Updated on February 5, 2023 by David Thomas

My Skincare Journey

My Skincare Journey 

 2017-19 it was all about the food I was eating. I switched to a plant-based diet. Lost a bunch of weight and felt great.

2019 I started taking care of my mind. Cutting out all the negative things that held me down in my life.

Now on this new journey of self-care, 2021 came around & something new slapped me in the face. Something I haven’t dealt with since I was 20.

Severe acne.

Today I’m going to share everything that I experienced during my skincare journey the last year up until now. I know I’m not the only one going through this. Hopefully, you can grab a few tips to help you on your self-care journey. 


2021 was the start of a new journey in my career. I decided to step in front of the camera. And boy oh boy, that was an experience! Which I can share on another post if you want.

I made the decision to start filming my first video and BOOM! I broke out all over my cheeks. Then after obsessing over my red puffy cheeks, I believe I may have stressed myself into breaking out even more. The breakouts and inflammation made its way to my forehead.

How was I supposed to step behind the camera looking like this? I was already shy and self-conscious as it was. And now, this. My confidence was definitely low. I knew I had to do something. Cause whatever I was currently doing wasn’t working. 

Trial and Errors

My skincare journey began just like most people. I started asking questions. Googling the best skin care products. Only to be overwhelmed by all the brands on the market.

So I started asking friends, family & clients that had similar skin complexions. I thought that would narrow it down and make it easier but I got so many recommendations it was hard to choose. 

I tried drugstore brands like Cerave, Neutrogena, and new brands like Youth to the People, Malin & Goetz, and even natural options like Castile and Black soap.

I tried each product for about a month. Still no major changes. Just inflammation and more frustration.

Then a client/friend recommended I try Geologie. They had an easy 3-step system custom to you. You fill out a questionnaire and they send you the products based on your current condition. “Finally, something that was custom for me.” I thought.

Out of all the brands I mentioned before Geologie showed the most consistent results I had seen so far. Clearing up blemishes and redness in the first month. But after a few months of use, the inflammation continued. 


While on the search, I came across articles and videos saying that having excess sugar in your diet causes inflammation. My diet is pretty clean, but fruit smoothies, dark chocolate, and vegan cookies are always screaming my name. So I decided to cut sugar to see what would happen. I was so sure I would see results but after 2-3 months of torture, I still didn’t see any progress.

I’ve recently been playing around with when I eat certain foods. Specifically high fat foods like my favorite overnight oats. I like to load it up with my favorite nuts/seeds but I found out that these little delicious things are loaded with oil (fat). Someone like me with oily skin should keep that to a minimum.

Coffee is another thing im experimenting with. My goal is to eventually save up and work with a nutritionist about my long term diet. But we’re not there yet.

First Facial Experience

I really wanted to figure this thing out myself, but after almost a year of no luck, I decided to call on a professional. I had my first facial since I was in beauty school. The facial was super relaxing, and the overall experience was great.

However, I didn’t walk away feeling like a had learned anything. Every question the esthetician asked, revolved around my routine & diet. Since that was clean (by her standards) then she didn’t have too many answers for me. She pointed out that my problem area was usually a sign of stress. She then gave me a bunch of samples of products that she recommends.

The products were ok. I saw a little progress and noticed my skin tone evened out, but it wasn’t consistent. I felt like there were too many steps involved with the products. Cleanser, toner, serum, exfoliater, spf, masks, and cooling serum. I was wondering, Would I have to use this many products forever? And to top it off, these products weren’t cheap. So I decided to keep looking for alternatives.

The Turnaround 

October 2022 I took off to the desert to get away from the city for a few days. Work and life had been a bit overwhelming. When I got out there I fully checked out, relaxed and worked on a passion project I had been putting off.

I ended up losing my face wash the day i took off to the desert, with nothing but some organic bar soap and a rose water toner.  To my surprise, when I returned back home my skin was completely clear. No inflammation, no bumps, no redness. So I’m guessing some of this was stress related.  

Current routine 

When I returned from my trip I was in need of a face wash. I trained Jiujitsu that morning & I remembered a friend there was working for Dermelogica. She knew my problem areas and situation. So she recommended that I try out their ultra-sensitive line. She brought me a bunch of samples to try and so far I’m loving it.

Its been 3 months now. My face no longer feels oily through the day (which was a big problem I had) and I’ve had minimal breakouts. I use 4 products and I’m happy with the routine so far. I’ll leave links to the products below if you’re interested. But this is not a sponsored post. Just wanted to share my journey.

Going forward

I would say the biggest lesson I’ve learned throughout this journey is to stay consistent. There were a few times when I would start and stop a routine. I mean this whole new routine thing is new to me. The most I’ve ever done over the years was a face wash in the shower and lotion for moisturizer. But just like hair care, Men are developing better routines everyday. I’m always getting on my clients about their hair, so I had to do something about my skin.

I had to treat myself and my skin better. And consistency gave me the best results. Even if the products didn’t work, because I was consistent, I was able to assess the situation & make the proper judgment to move on to the following product. 

Since I’ve seen great results with Dermalogica, I’m going to stick to the 4-step routine (Gentle Wash, Calming Spray, Daily Micro Exfoliant, & Moisturizer)

I also plan on getting facials monthly from @solfulesthetics. Having an esthetician to check in with is pretty awesome. Since they stay up to date with all the latest news and tips on skincare. And its a great way to treat your self to some relaxing self care time.


The more I go down this health journey, the more i understand the quote “Its the journey, not the destination” All the lessons you learn and skills you obtain, are in the experience leading up to destination.

If you’ve made it this far, Thank you for reading.

This post was strictly a vent session about my skincare journey experience.

Just remember, Stay consistent and don’t give up!

You got this… 


One reply on “My Skincare Journey

  • Jessica Thomas

    I’m glad you have been able to get your skin a lot more clear. Sometimes I have the same skin problems, and it does get frustrating not seeing results as fast as you’d like. You’re doing a great job, keep it going!


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