Transforming Life One Day at a Time: The Power of Daily Deposits

Last Updated on February 8, 2024 by David Thomas

As a father, husband, and entrepreneur, it’s easy to get caught up in daily responsibilities and forget about personal health and fitness goals. I can personally relate to this as I struggled with my weight and reached nearly 300 pounds at one point. Trying to balance everything often led me to make excuses for neglecting my health. However, I soon realized that in order to be the best version of myself for my family and career, I needed to prioritize my health. Although my journey has been challenging, one simple yet transformative concept has remained consistent throughout: Daily Deposits.

Daily Deposits by david Thomas

Daily Deposits

Imagine opening a high-yield savings account. In investing, consistent contributions, no matter how small, lead to substantial growth. This principle applies equally to life. Making regular, even small, contributions to your health and fitness can lead to significant improvements. On the other hand, sporadic efforts result in lesser results. The key is to achieve consistent growth through consistent action.

Application in my life

I started my weight loss journey at 290 lbs. Initially, I shifted to a plant-based diet, which helped me lose 50 lbs in six months. However, after that, my progress came to a standstill. Finding a balance between workouts, my job, family, and personal time became challenging. As a result, I started making excuses and became inconsistent in my efforts.

The 5 AM Club

5 am club

The turnaround came when I started practicing martial arts training early in the morning. Commuting from Orange County to Santa Monica for 7 am classes meant starting my day at 5am. Arriving in Santa Monica around 6:15 am, This routine allowed me to squeeze in a 30-minute workout before my jiujitsu class. These short but consistent full-body workouts paired with jiujitsu resulted in sustained weight loss and the development of a daily physical activity habit. Nowadays, I still wake up around 4:30 to 5 am. I have noticed several benefits to getting the work done first thing in the morning, which I can elaborate on in another post.

The main takeaways from this example are that:

  1. I completed my workout before any potential distractions could arise
  2. I kept the workouts short and never over-exerted myself to the point of extreme fatigue, which allowed me to avoid skipping any days due to soreness
  3. I established a daily habit of doing something physical, even if I couldn’t make it to the gym, which enabled me to stay consistent and motivated. Even if I miss a day due to illness, I know that I will be right back at it the next day.

Inspirations and Methods

I’ve drawn inspiration and practical methods from various sources like:

  • TheFootCollective: A Canadian company focusing on foot and ankle health, offering tools and methods for strengthening these foundational parts of the body. Their approach to foot and ankle health has been instrumental in my mobility journey.

  • Jocko Willink: If you’ve seen any of his content, you know he is the definition of consistency. He wakes up every day at 430 and gets after it. At the end of his book “Discipline Equals Freedom” he offers a few practical workouts for those with limited time or gym access. Breaking it down so simple to where anyone can do it. No matter what situation you’re currently in, there is no excuse not to get some work in. Here’s a sneak preview of the beginner’s workout:
jocko discipline equals freedom
  • Ido Portal: One of my favorite people is Ido Portal. He preaches just one message: Move. The human body was designed to move. What sets us apart from other land mammals, besides consciousness, is our ability to move in unique ways, such as walking, crawling, climbing, rolling, spinning, and much more. Ido challenges most conventional practices by pushing the boundaries of movement. However, his main point is that a healthy body can be maintained by consistently moving it. Interestingly, he doesn’t do any push-ups or sit-ups, yet he has amazing core strength and body control and is ripped. I highly recommend checking out some of his stuff. Here’s one of his videos on the spinal wave.
ido portal
  • David Goggins – Nickels & Dimes: This list wouldn’t be complete without having Goggins on here. I first heard about “Nickels and Dimes” from Lex Fridman. The concept is simple: Nickel equals five pull-ups, and Dime equals ten push-ups. It’s an “every minute on the minute” style workout. Meaning you start a clock, do five pull-ups and ten push-ups, and in the next minute, you do it again. And you keep doing it for as long as you can. When I first tried this challenge, I only managed to do 3-4 sets. But now, I do about 6-7 nickels and dimes daily. THAT’S ONLY 6 MINUTES! Who doesn’t have 6 minutes to invest in their health?

I have found these resources to be extremely helpful in my journey towards better health. They have shown me various ways to improve my fitness and wellbeing, regardless of the challenges life throws at me. While I have many more resources available, these are the ones that have made the most impact. Rather than striving for a perfect system, I believe in finding what works for me in the moment and making adjustments when necessary. Since everyday is different, I prepare myself accordingly. By having multiple sources of exercise and movement, I am able to make healthy choices even on my busiest days

Relationships and Beyond

Last month, I introduced the concept of daily deposits to my wife to support her in her health and wellness journey. I challenged her to wake up early every morning and go for a walk before starting her day. I had to bribe her with some food, but hey, you gotta do what you gotta do, right? She completed the challenge and noticed amazing results, and even started jogging. In just 30 days of consistent work, she saw major improvements. You can check out her journey on TikTok for more information.

I’ve also applied the concept to our relationship. We used to struggle to find time for each other, saving it for whenever our schedules allowed. However, we’ve come to realize that there are better ways to spend quality time together than watching TV, which we used to do whenever we had free time. Instead, we now intentionally schedule date nights weekly to ensure that we invest in our relationship consistently. Although this doesn’t happen on a daily basis, it follows the same principle of consistent investment in what truly matters.


The Daily Deposits concept transcends fitness; it’s a philosophy that can enhance various aspects of life. From a high of 290 lbs to a stable 205 lbs, I am not just in the best shape physically but also mentally and emotionally. These small, consistent investments in different life areas can lead to profound and lasting changes. If you struggle to balance life’s demands with personal goals, remember that it’s not about grand gestures but consistent, small efforts. Whether for health, relationships, career, or personal growth, Daily Deposits can be your roadmap to a more fulfilling life. Feel free to reach out if you want to dive deeper into this concept or have questions about applying it in your own life.

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