The Art of Shaving: 4 Essential Steps for a Flawless Experience

Last Updated on January 22, 2024 by David Thomas

Welcome to the ultimate guide on mastering the art of shaving. For many people, shaving is a daily routine, but it’s also an art that can transform this mundane task into a luxurious experience when done correctly. Achieving the perfect shave involves more than just dragging a razor across your skin. It’s a careful process that, if not done correctly, can lead to irritation, razor burns, and ingrown hairs. However, don’t worry; getting that flawless, smooth shave is easier than you think. In this post, I’ll take you through a foolproof 4-step process that includes cleansing, preparing your hair and skin, the actual shave, and post-shave care. Whether you’re a barber looking to enhance your services or to take care of your own grooming, let’s dive right into the secrets to the best shave.

STEP 1: Start with a Clean Slate

beard trim

If you have a goatee or mustache, I recommend trimming it down to your desired length and then using a detailer to outline the shape you want to keep. For affordable options on personal clippers, you can check out “Best clippers under $100.

The journey toward a perfect shave begins well before the razor touches your skin; it all starts with cleansing. Although it may come as a surprise, I have found that this step is crucial and sets the tone for your entire shaving experience.”

Why is Cleansing Essential?

Cleansing your face isn’t just about cleanliness; it’s about preparing your skin for what’s to come. The proper cleansing routine removes dirt, oil, and dead skin cells, creating a clean and receptive surface for shaving. Think of it as preparing a canvas before painting. This helps prevent post-shave irritation and ensures a closer shave, as your razor can make direct contact with the hair instead of gliding over it.

Choosing Your Cleanser

  • Gentle is Key: It’s better to use a gentle facial cleanser than harsh soaps. I use Dermalogica or pure castile soap for my services and have found that gentle facial cleansers cleanse without stripping natural oils from the skin.
  • Warm Water Works Wonders: Warm water helps to open up the pores and soften the hair, making it more pliable and easier to cut.

Light Exfoliant (Optional):

Sometimes, using just a cleanser isn’t enough to get rid of all the dirt and impurities from our skin. During “My skincare journey“, I learned about the benefits of exfoliants, which has been a total game changer for me. Using an exfoliant in addition to a cleanser helps to remove that extra unwanted dirt from your face. Moreover, exfoliants are also helpful in soothing the skin and preventing ingrown hairs. I personally use the gentle everyday exfoliate from Dermologica.

Remember, a properly cleansed face is the cornerstone of a perfect shave. It’s not just an initial step, but a fundamental part of the entire shaving process.

STEP 2: Laying the Groundwork

After washing your face, it’s important to prepare your hair and skin for shaving. This step is crucial for minimizing irritation and ensuring a smooth shave.

Softening the hair

  • Pre-shave Products: In the “TEN HairCare Ultimate Shave Experience,” we apply pre-shave oil and shaving cream. This helps provide extra lubrication, further soften the hair, and add a protective layer between the blade and your skin. A good shaving cream or gel not only aids in hair removal but also keeps the skin moisturized throughout the shave.
hot towel on a beard trim shaving experience
  • Hot Towel: The hot towel is my favorite part of the service. It provides a nice, relaxing feel for the face. I usually pair this with some essential oils for the most relaxing experience. If you’re at home, a warm towel from running water works just as well. This makes hair easier to cut and reduces any tug and pull.

Application Techniques

 I recommended using a shaving brush to get a smooth shave. It helps to lift the hair and create a rich and creamy lather, which ensures an even application. You can use your hands if you don’t have a shaving brush. Make sure your hands are clean, and apply the shaving cream in a circular motion. Be sure to cover all of the hair to get the best results.

STEP 3: The Art of the Blade

Now comes the main event – the shave itself. This step requires the right tools and techniques for a close, comfortable shave. Check out this video for a closer look.

straight razor barberstylist

choosing the right razor

Types of Razors: If you want a smooth and irritation-free shave, it’s essential to use a good-quality razor. Whether you prefer a safety razor, straight razor, or cartridge razor, make sure it has a sharp and clean blade. I have been distributing Gillette skin guards and have received great feedback from my clients who have used them.

  • Blade Care: It’s important to change your blades regularly to maintain their effectiveness. If you’re ever in doubt, change the blade. It’s not worth the risk of cuts to your scalp or face.


  • Direction Matters: Start by shaving with the grain (the direction your hair grows). This reduces irritation. For an even closer shave, you can then go across the grain. 
  • Navigating Contours: Pay attention to the contours of your face – the jawline and neck often require a change in the angle of the blade.
  • Rinse Regularly: Rinse/ wipe your razor frequently to remove hair and cream buildup. 

Detailing for Perfection

Precision Tools: For precise detailing, such as shaping sideburns or goatees, it is recommended to use a single-blade razor. However, it takes a lot of practice to master this skill. Start slowly and only cut where you have stretched the skin.

  • You won’t need a precision razor if you have pre-cut in step one. Just shave the areas you could not clean up in step one.

STEP 4: The Finishing Touches

Post-shave care is essential in soothing the skin and closing pores to prevent irritation and ingrown hairs.


Cold Water Rinse: Rinse your face with cold water after shaving to reduce inflammation and close pores. You can use a cold towel that’s been refrigerated or cold water alone. 

soothing post shave


  • Aftershave Balms and Lotions: Apply an aftershave balm or lotion after shaving to hydrate and soothe your skin. If you have sensitive skin, look for products that contain aloe, chamomile, or other soothing ingredients. Personally, I use a combination of witch hazel, Aloe vera, and some of my favorite essential oils. It leaves my skin feeling fresh, smooth, and clean.
  •  Avoid Alcohol-Based Products: Using alcohol-containing products can dry out and irritate your skin, especially after a close shave. While some may prefer the “Home Alone” effect, it’s best to choose less aggressive ingredients for the sake of your skin’s health. Unless you have a deep cut, alcohol is not necessary. Witch hazel and aloe vera are great alternatives that your skin will thank you for.
  • Moisturize: Even on non-shaving days, keep your skin hydrated with a good moisturizer or oil if not sensitive  
  • Protect: Consider using products with SPF to protect your skin from sun damage. I like using Year 2 for moisturizer and beard oil because coconut oil acts as a natural SPF for the skin. 

Our aftershave product from TEN Hair Care will be available for purchase by the end of this month. Don’t forget to sign up for our newsletter for updates and announcements.


And there you have it – 4 Essential Steps for a Flawless Shave Experience

  1. Prepare your skin by washing your face with warm water and a gentle cleanser.
  2. Apply shaving cream or gel to lubricate your skin and protect it from irritation.
  3. Shave with the grain of your hair using a sharp, clean razor.
  4. After shaving, rinse your face with cool water, apply aftershave, and apply a moisturizer to soothe and hydrate your skin.

Remember, a great shave is not just about the act but the care and preparation you put into it. By following these steps, you’ll enjoy a closer shave, protect your skin from irritation, and promote its overall health. Don’t be afraid to invest in good-quality products and take the time to care for your skin both before and after the shave. Your face will thank you for it. And if you want to see an in-depth video on how to shave, follow along on YouTube.

Happy shaving!

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